Launch of Samsung Mobilers Facebook Digital App

I went to the Facbook Digital App launch~ took me 2 hours to reach the place = = 
Lost in PJ and I simply don't want to take a cab I did not bring much $ with me! :(
So I waited for T628 at Asia Jaya LRT for 30 minutes. When I reach Frontera in Jaya One it is already 8.30PM...sigh. 

I was surprised that the venue is actually a restaurant!  ♥ Love it I can eat ♥

Luckily I was not too late for the event. There were about 50+ mobilers attended. They put the dinner at last, I still managed to enjoy the Mexican dinner provided :) The Chief Mobiler Mr.Jason Ko brief us about the functions of the app. Many laptops were prepared for all the mobilers to register themselves to the app on the spot. I thought it only can be used on a smartphone! Once again I survive with my candybar SE K770i (~dancing gentlemen XD~) 

While everybody was enjoying the dinner, there was a Q and A giveaway session. People who answered questions correctly win themselves a gift like mobilers T-shirt, movie passes and original CD! 
I tried to answer a question but got the answer wrong. : / Felt so sorry to Jason I used to know his name but at that moment I can't remember his name!!  Arggg!! ......

 There was one guy answered a question right and he got a CD, but he did not want it, so he gave it to me. XD 
For me, if can I want to win a T-shirt...The shirt is SO COOL!! But, looks like I don't have the luck... Never mind as long as I got something :P

There was one assignment available in the app after the registration. The 1st 10 mobilers who accept and post using the app will be invited to the lauch of S4 on Saturday. I was kinda regret on the next day why I concerned about the food more than this :/ While people was busying registering themselves on the laptops, I go and grab the food first. 
See? I crazy about food all the time~~ @@

I only think about the post before going to bed. Finally I posted in the midnight with the feeling of losing hope, because most of the mobilers went to register first, I guess many of them already posted.

Second pair of Mob!lers badge!

Thanks MYC! for inviting me to this event! and thanks for the dinner too! ;)
Love to attend mobilers event 

Continued story: invited and going! click here please~

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